Power of the horse to heal

Remount is a not-for-profit organisation delivering horsemanship programs for current and former service men and women and their families, who may be experiencing stress related to their service, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and/or physical injury.

Who wants to come for a muster?

Remount is delivered at no cost to all current or former serving members of the military. Two day programs include onsite accommodation, catering, tuition and work shirts.

What you will experience

Our experienced team will take you through all aspects of horsemanship and mustering.

After-hours activities include leatherwork and enjoying some quiet time around the camp fire.


Dr Harry visits the Remount program for Aussie veterans


Program Dates 2025

In 2025, the Remount team will run 8 horsemanship programs.

Initially places will be offered to those on the wait list.

Updates to our schedule will be available on the Facebook site.


To apply, email your story and mobile phone contact details to ben@remount.org.au

A program date will then offered and confirmed in writing.